Best Food To Gain Weight For Diabetes
People with diabetes are generally not strong no matter how much they eat. Their body always feels tired, weak and exhausted. The food is digested, converted into sugar and enters the bloodstream. Blood sugar does not release energy. It should enter into the cells and burn. In general, if diabetics eat more, it raises their blood sugar level. and they feel weak if they eat less. Their weakness and sugar level should come down. Most diabetics lose a lot of weight, body and muscle strength. How can they raise their body and muscle strength without increasing sugar levels? What are the foods they must eat to give them strength? The same foods should not raise their blood sugar levels.
Protein And Fat Food For Diabetes
Diabetes can get these benefits by taking two nutrients naturally. They need to take foods rich in those two nutrients. One is protein and the other is fat. Both of these nutrients do not enter the bloodstreams quickly. Because they are very slowly digested in the stomach and intestines. They raise blood sugar levels very slowly as the digestive system takes longer to break them down. When we cook food in a mud pot, it cooks very slowly. In the same way, protein and fat get digested slowly.
Therefore, sugar does not spike in the blood quickly. Foods rich in carbohydrates are quickly digested and enter the bloodstream quickly. Therefore, they raise blood sugar levels quickly. Hence, diabetics should cut on carbohydrates and eat more protein and fat. Because, these nutrients do not raise blood sugar levels in them. Protein helps to strengthen and building muscles with which one can become fit and strong. Hennce diabetics should also eat fats that help prevent sugar levels from falling drastically. Even if eating is delayed for 3 to 4 hours, fat gives them strength of all the foods we eat, foods that are high in fat take longer to digest. So, they should eat food that stays in the digestive track for a long time without raising blood sugar. Fat foods are the ones that are digested very slowly. One gram of fat provides 9 calories of energy. Whereas, 1 gram of protein provides 4 calories of energy. Fat provides more energy than carbohydrates and proteins. So, diabetics should take a diet high in protein and fat.
Diabetes Food List
But most people with diabetes eat more whole grams and broken grains. They eat breakfast, rice and snacks made with grains more. Always keep in mind that grains are low in protein and fat. So, you should reduce the consumption of grains and increase the consumption of nuts and pulses as they are rich in protein and fat. The main difference between grains and nuts is that the oil can be extracted from the nuts. Oil cannot be extracted from grains. They are cooked and eaten like rice.
1. Pulses List To Eat Diabetic
Eating pulses is very healthy for diabetic patients like sesame seeds, ground nuts, raw coconut, and pulses like kidney beans, green peas, bengal gram, green gram, cowpea. All such pulses are also high in protein.
2. Nuts List To For Diabetic
Along with them, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds. Almonds, cashew nuts and walnuts. All of these fall into the category of nuts.
Green peas, bengal gram, green gram and cowpea do not produce oil, but are rich in protein. That is why we included them in this category. They are low in fat. Everything else except them rich in fat. Therefore diabetics should eat such pulses and nuts to increase strength in the body and muscle without raising sugar levels, Nuts contain oil when they are dry. So, we can not eat nuts as they are hard when they are dry. To make them easy to eat. We must eat them raw, straight from the plant. Raw red gram contain about 25 percentage of protein. Therefore, eat raw pulses whenever available. Eating raw coconut also does not increase sugar levels at all. It gives you more energy and contains fiber that prevents spiking of sugar levels. Therefore raw coconut is very healthy for diabetics. So eat all these raw.
There are some dried nuts that contain oil. When they are ground, oil can be extracted. Ground nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews and pistsachio contain oil.
Take Soaked Nuts
All such nuts should be eaten only after soaking. If you put them in water in the morning, they will be properly soaked before evening. If you want to eat them in the morning, you need to soak them in water overnight. You can eat such nuts twice a day. Take some variety of nuts in the morning and the other in the evening. You can eat enough of them but make sure they don’t cause discomfort to stomach and digestion. Soybeans and kidney beans also fall into this category. They are also rich in protein and fat. I mentioned them separately because they should not be soaked and eaten. Add them in any curry after soaking for 12 hours and then boiling. If you eat them raw they cause gas and indigestion. They also taste and smell different when they are raw. Eat them only after cooking as eating raw can lead to side effects. Diabetics who are weak and lose weight eat the nuts and pulses we mentioned. Such a diet will bring a change in you.
Therefore, we suggest diabetics to consider pulses and nuts as a friendly diet and use them to gain strength.