Why Is My Heart Beating Fast Suddenly
A boy He ate a lot of chocolates, cakes and ice-cream in his birthday celebration. He was fine until he went to bed. In the middle of the night, the heart started beating. He was brought to the hospital immediately. Then the heart beats 220 times per minute!
A girl Danced in school. Heart palpitations started while resting. Then she lost consciousness and fell down. After being brought to the hospital, an examination revealed that the heart was beating very fast Suddenly.
– Many such incidents are coming to light recently. It is disturbing that so many children who do not know Abham Shubh are dying of heart palpitations. Prompt treatment is very important for them. Otherwise, while doing things that are tiring to the body, the eyes may turn suddenly and become dizzy. Sometimes it can be fatal. So do not neglect.
Function of Heart
The main function of heart is Receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumping it to the body. Returning the blood from those parts to the lungs. It starts beating after the fifth week after the embryo is formed in the mother’s womb. This is a continuous process. The electrical system of the heart plays a vital role in this. The sino-atrial (SA) node in the right atrium (upper) of our heart can be considered the electrical ‘manufacturing center’. First, an electrical signal generated from specialized cells in it causes both the upper chambers to contract and pump blood into the ventricles (lower chambers).
This electrical signal then travels to the atrioventricular (AV) node in the center of the heart. This can be considered as subgestation. It supplies electricity to the ventricles through the left and right bundles.. Purkinje impulses. The AV node then sends another electrical signal to the ventricles. This allows the ventricles to pump the blood from the heart throughout the body. A period ends here. Again a new electrical signal is generated and starts to circulate. Normally, electrical signals are generated 72 times per minute, so the heart beats 72 times per minute. It beats 100 to 120 times in small children.
What Is Arrhythmia
All the electricity production and conduction in the heart goes on in a regular manner. Control systems work everywhere, not more or less. The SA node constantly controls the AV node. AV nodemo controls left and right bundles.. Perkanji processes. If the SA node is damaged, the AV node will work alone. Otherwise less electricity will be generated from it. If the AV node is damaged, the electricity produced in the SA node will not work. In this case the heart muscle itself makes some electricity. Each part of the heart is capable of generating electricity. All these are under control with controlled systems. They enter the field when necessary. When any dangerous situation is encountered, information is received from the nodes to the SA node. Then the electrical output increases and the heart rate increases. Even when there is a fever, the heart rate increases due to the information received from the receptors that respond to our body temperature to the SA node. The SA node produces more electricity for the body’s energy needs during running. This increases the blood supply. While falling asleep, the heart does not need to beat faster while resting. So the electrical output decreases and the heart rate drops below 60. Thus, the electrical system in the heart works according to the needs of the body. Wherever there is a problem in this, the rhythm of the heart can go wrong. It can beat faster than normal (tachycardia) or slower (bradycardia). This is called arrhythmia. In this, the heart rhythm is not only disturbed.. the heart capacity also decreases.
Causes of Arrhythmia
Various factors can contribute to an irregular heart rhythm. In most cases, there is no apparent cause. But some have heart muscle thickening, congenital heart defects, enlarged atria, genetic problems such as long QT syndrome, arrhythmogenic right ventricular syndrome, certain medications, imbalance of mineral salts in the blood, fever, dehydration, mental stress, insomnia, viral or Bacterial infections can also disrupt the heart rhythm. Some may have a heart attack like in adults and scar tissue. The heart rate increases as cells in the middle of the damaged, healthy muscle overreact. Due to this, blood is not supplied properly to the body. As a result, the head may turn and lose consciousness. Some may even die within minutes. That is why children with this problem collapse while dancing and exercising.
The Problem Is Manifold
Even if cardiac arrhythmia is the only problem, the electrical system can be classified in different ways depending on the part and the way it goes wrong.
Atrial origin: Any of these are mainly atrial nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRD), atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation. Heart rate suddenly increases as if a switch is turned on in AV NRD. This is the most visible of all. It is also seen in people who have a direct electrical supply to the heart via a different route from the SA node (WPW syndrome). In atrial flutter, the increased heart rate continues without slowing down. In atrial fibrillation, each muscle in the atria beats on its own.
Initiation in the ventricles: In some people, the heart response may start in the ventricles before the electrical signal is received (premature ventricular contraction). This is nothing to be afraid of. No treatment is required. Rarely, in some people the cells in the ventricles can conduct electricity on their own (ventricular tachycardia). Each muscle in the ventricles can also beat on its own (ventricular fibrillation). These are very dangerous. These can also be caused by genetic problems.
Ablation If Necessary
90 out of 100 children have problems with medication. But in 10 people it can come again and again. For newborn babies and small children, the same medicine is continued. In older children, the part of the heart that produces abnormal electricity may need to be burned (ablated). First of all, they have the wrong wires inserted through a blood vessel in the hip or neck to point to where the abnormal electrical current is coming from in the heart.
(Electrophysiological study). After that, electricity is sent from the outside and burns around the part of the heart where excess electricity is generated. (radiofrequency ablation). Can also be ablated with very cold saline (cryoablation). This stops the transmission of electricity generated from that part. Currently, advanced methods like 3D navigation and cartu system are available for these. Ablation is mandatory for those with recurrence of the problem after stopping the medication, those with WPW syndrome, refractory atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter. After the treatment, the children can spend their time comfortably like everyone else. You can play, exercise, ride a bicycle, climb hills. No problem.
Treatment For Arrhythmia
Each One Is Different
Arrhythmia can occur in children at any time. It can come while still in the mother’s womb. It can come immediately after birth. Anyone can get it in babies, children and older children. In case of older children, the heart is beating faster and faster. He can say that he feels dizzy, floating and losing consciousness. But babies and children cannot tell. Nothing is known about the embryo stage. So be careful.
1. In The Fetus
If the fetal heart rate increases to more than 220 beats per minute, it is called a tachyarrhythmia. This causes water to accumulate around the heart, stomach and chest. The baby may be bloated all over. As a result, movement may decrease (hydrops phytalis). If the problem is not diagnosed and treated, the baby may die in the womb. It can be detected by ultrasound examination.
Mother is given oral tablets like digoxin, sotalol, flecanide, good results are seen. Sometimes it may be necessary to give an injection to the baby’s thigh through a needle from the mother’s stomach. This will bring the heart rate under control within a few hours. The amount of fluid in the baby’s stool decreases. In the meantime, the effect of the medicine taken by the mother also starts. There is a possibility of smooth delivery.
2. In Newborns
If the heart rate increases in children within a month after birth, they do not drink milk. Get tired. The trees fly. If you put your hand on the baby’s chest, you can see the heart beating faster. If you catch them immediately, they will catch up quickly. But due to the fact that the parents are not aware of the problem, many people are taken to the hospital after the heart is badly damaged. It is dangerous. Delayed treatment can sometimes lead to heart failure and heart failure. So if you notice that the baby is not drinking milk and is tired, it is important to check the heart rate by putting your hand on the chest. If there is any suspicion m should be taken to the hospital immediately. Taking an ECG will reveal the problem.
Adenosine injection and propranolol tablets are useful for arrhythmias in infants. About 80% of people see good results with just one Adenosine injection. If medication does not work, a small dose of electric shock may be given to the heart. This restores the disordered electrical system of the heart.
3. In Older Children
Older children can detect an increased heart rate. It is said that the heart is beating. It is said that while running to school and resting, the heart beats fast and does not slow down for a long time. Even older children are told that their eyes are spinning and their heart is beating faster. Sometimes it can be expensive. After the situation worsens, he may regain consciousness after a while. In some, the blood vessels on the sides of the neck may also be affected. You can tell if you put your hand there. Sweat profusely after heart beats fast. Deep depression sets in.
How to determine? : If the heart rate exceeds 160 per minute
Impossible to calculate. Therefore, an ECG should be taken on the monitor. It shows the heart rate as well as the cause of it. Sometimes the signs may not show up in the ECG. For such people, the problem is diagnosed with TMT, Holter and Eve recorder tests.
Adenosine should be given as an injection. Many people see good results within a few minutes. Along with this, propranolol tablets are also required. Some people need a dilziazem injection. If these medications do not respond, other treatments may be needed. Amiodarone injection in saline is given to those who are in love and have their blood pressure under control. This will bring the heart rate back to normal within 2-8 hours. If the child is in shock and unable to speak, DC shock should be given to the heart immediately. It suppresses the abnormal electrical system in the heart. Then the sinuses begin to work and the heart rate slows down.