What Is Dangerously Low Blood Sugar

What Is Dangerously Low Blood Sugar


Some people face many symptoms due to blood sugar dropping. Let me tell you what happens if the blood sugar level is lower than required. It is similar to not getting petrol while riding a motorcycle. Sometimes air bubbles can form in the motorcycle and stop it from running. Body faces many problems due to low blood sugar, like how a motor vehicle stops if there is no petrol.

What Is Hypoglycemia

Dangerously low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, is a condition in which your blood sugar level drops too low. Blood sugar is the main source of energy for your body’s cells. When your blood sugar level drops too low, your cells don’t get enough energy to function properly. 

                          Dangerously low blood sugar can be a serious condition, especially if it’s not treated promptly. If you have diabetes or another condition that puts you at risk for hypoglycemia, it’s important to know how to recognize and treat the symptoms. You should also talk to your doctor about a plan for managing your blood sugar level and preventing hypoglycemia.

                      So we will see what to do when blood sugar is low in this blog. Now we will discuss about symptoms

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

Dropping of blood sugar will cause certain symptoms in the body. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, including sweating, dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, rapid heartbeat, hunger, pale skin, anxiety, irritability, weakness, seizures, and loss of consciousness. Now we will see them one by one.

  1. The first symptom is the appearance of pale skin. The second symptom of blood sugar level dropping is trembling in the body.
  2. The second symptom of blood sugar level dropping is trembling in the body.
  3. The third symptom is excessive sweating.
  4. The 4th symptom due to insufficient glucose supply to the brain is a severe headache.

  5. The fifth symptom is excessive hunger.
  6. The sixth symptom is nausea 

  7. The seventh symptom is irregular heartbeat. If the heart doesn’t get enough glucose, it beats irregularly.

  8. The eighth symptoms are fatigue, weakness and dullness.
  9. The ninth symptom is giddiness, the feeling of fainting and falling down

  10. The tenth symptom is anxiety.

  11. The eleventh symptom of low blood sugar is excessive mental irritability. 

  12. The twelfth symptom is abnormal tingling of the lips, cheeks and tongue.

  13. The thirteenth symptom is seizures. 

  14. The fourteenth symptom is bad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to check your blood sugar level right away. If your blood sugar level is below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), you need to treat your hypoglycemia immediately. So lick 2 to 4 table spoons of honey is more important. we going to discuss about honey.

Hypoglycemia vs Hyperglycemia

Blood sugar level dropping can also lead to coma in some people. When the sugar level is low, the body loses control and falls into a coma. For most people, low sugar levels are more dangerous than high sugar levels(Hyperglycemia) ones. 

Why Does Blood Sugar Drop

Let’s see why blood sugar drops and how to recognize it?

What are the harms of blood sugar dropping less than certain levels? What to take to raise blood sugar level immediately to avoid lethargy? If you check your fasting blood glucose level, it is normal if it is between 8 and 110 units. 80 to 110 mg for DL of blood sugar level is normal in blood. It is normal to have 80,90,100 mg or in between per deciliter of blood. It is normal to have 80,90,100 mg or in between per deciliter of blood. 2 hours after eating, sugar level between 120 and 160 is normal.


What Is Dangerously Low Blood Sugar

Sometimes for certain people during fasting or post lunch, the sugar level in blood drops less than 40, 50, 60 or 70 mg. The organs like brain, heart, lungs and kidneys work continuously for 24 hours in the body. Some organs can rest without enough glucose and still be fine. But since other organs are vital, it can be dangerous if they do not get enough oxygen. Only when glucose enters the cells do they provide the energy we need. When brain cells get less glucose than they need, they don’t function as expected. Dropping of blood sugar will cause certain symptoms in the body. 


What Causes Low Blood Sugar

The cause of low blood sugar is excessive use of diabetic injections, insulin and pills more than required. Even if you take the medicine daily, there is a possibility that the sugar level will decrease, due to delay in eating.

If you do not take food at regular times and in the required amount, this leads to dropping of blood sugar level. It causes all sorts of symptoms and problems that we discussed earlier

Some people have too much insulin production without even realizing it. It will lead to dropping blood sugar levels.

Sometimes even healthy people experience low blood sugar levels. A lot of people do dieting and exercise in the wrong way. If you don’t eat properly while doing these things, the blood sugar level will drop and will lead to all these health issues. Usually one feels dizzy and lacks energy due to the sugar levels dropping, they will take biscuits, chocolates, sweets to normalize the glucose levels.

 All these foods do not increase the sugar level until they are digested.

Foods For Low Blood Sugar

Honey is the best food to consume during low blood sugar

How Much Honey For Low Blood Sugar

Honey is the number one food that raises the blood sugar level without any digestion.

It gives you energy without any harm and increases the blood sugar levels immediately. Eat honey directly without mixing it with water when blood sugar levels are low. Take 2 to 4 spoons of honey and consume it directly. It instantly stimulates blood sugar levels and any trace glucose in the liver and blood vessels.

The process of glucose production stimulation begins within 1 to 2 min with honey. Taking 4 to 5 spoons of honey will instantly bring the glucose level back to normal. Those who take sugar and jaggery feel their glucose levels rise and fall immediately. Honey contains 35% glucose and it quickly enters the blood. It also contains 39% fructose sugar. It will be ready to give energy for the next 2 hours too. Honey is natural and does not have any side effects. Diabetic patients should carry a bottle of honey wherever they go. Even those who exercise a lot or are on diet have glucose levels dropping suddenly, should take honey and consume it directly.


You will get energy immediately without any side effects by licking honey. Biscuits, sweets, and other sweet drinks will provide energy only after 30 to 60 minutes. Consuming honey is very good because it provides instant energy. 

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